Find Your Next Step

We want every believer to continually grow in their faith by focusing on worship, discipleship, and service. Whether you are new to church or have been going for years, we have a short series of classes that can help you learn more about God and Great Hills Baptist Church. 

If you are looking to get plugged in, this growth track will provide you with a sense of what Great Hills is all about—specifically highlighting areas of worship, discipleship, and service. This series of three classes happens once a quarter. Join us in person or online. Register below for the next series of Discover Great Hills classes.  

2024 Discover Great Hills Schedule:

Room C241

Sundays, September 8, 15, 22 at 9:30am



This first class provides newcomers and prospective members with a sense for what Great Hills is all about: covering the mission, vision, and core values of the church, as well as fundamentals of the faith and the basic spiritual disciplines needed for walking with Christ.


This class covers the foundation for discipleship. It covers the biblical call to include other believers in our walk with God. It also provides opportunities to get plugged in to a connect group at Great Hills, where people experience growth through authentic, godly relationships.



This class teaches how you can serve and share with impact. It includes biblical principles of using your time, talent, and treasures to intentionally serve the church and those around you, and provides opportunities to begin engaging in service.